A New Phone Number
I am currently in the process of finding a new home near my husband's work in Costa Mesa, California. However, the phone number above is my new number. I am currently seeing hypnotherapy and coaching clients by Zoom.
With Leon Berg, I continue to offer council and mindfulness based programs through Circles of Resilience at www.circlesofresilience.net. I am delighted to also be working with Circle Ways, offering school based council trainings. Partnering with Joe Provisor, my first council trainer 22 years ago, is pure delight. These endeavors and teaching for The Wellness Institute engage me in work I love.
Leon and I have been offering two 4-week trainings that are equivalent to a Level 1 Way of Council training and a new program called The Healing Power of Conflict in which we explore conflict archetypes and learn how to stay connected to ourselves and others while exploring conflict. We look forward to offering a Level 2 Way of Council training on Zoom. We are grateful for the opportunities to connect again with people in physical presence but will continue our Zoom programs which bring people from around the world together in circle who might otherwise never be able to meet in physical presence.
I am missing the Hospice work, the people and beauty of British Columbia. I look forward to being of service in this new place. I hope that each of you is finding the goodness of the summer season.
by David Whyte
I know this house so well, and this horizon, and this world I have made. from my thoughts.
I know this quiet and the particular treasures and terrors of my own silence
but I do not know the world to which I am going.
I have only this breath and this presence for my wings and they carry me in my body whatever I do from one hushed moment to another.
I know my innocence and I know my unknowing but for all my successes I go through life like a blind child who cannot see, arms outstretched trying to put together a world.
And the world seems to work on my behalf catching me in its arms when I go too far.
I don't know what I could have done to have earned such faith.
Watching the geese go south I find that even in silence and even in stillness and even in my home alone without a thought or a movement I am forever part of a great migration that will take me to another place.
And though all the things I love may pass away and all the great family of things and people I have made around me will see me go,
I feel they will always live in me like a great gathering ready to reach a greater home.
When one thing dies all things die together, and must learn to live again in a different way,
when one thing is missing everything is missing, and must be found again in a new whole
and everything wants to be complete, everything wants to go home and the geese traveling south are like the shadow of my breath flying into darkness on great heart-beats to an unknown land where I belong.
This morning they have found me, full of faith, like a blind child, nestled in their feathers, following the great coast to a home I cannot see.
