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Read what past clients have said about their experiences working with Lori.


I have had the great pleasure of working with many people over the years. I appreciate the reflections that clients offer on the practices we have engaged in and their time working with me. I am certainly inspired by those with whom I meet and share.


“Great to see your council work is continuing. I’ve been integrating the guidelines and rule of council into my education as a tool for community communication with good results. Thanks again for the introduction and expansion of council.  It’s been a game changer.”


“It is a great challenge to express the depth of attention given by your facilitation. Unbelievably well done!  [You] created an absolutely safe space.”


“A perfect balance and regard for emotional responses from heavy sadness to light fun and games.”


“Your energy was great, subtly holding the space.”


“[I appreciated] your willingness and openness to all styles of facilitation and to change your program to suit the group.”


“Invisible but effective organization.”


“Seven months after a harsh breakup that left ugly, jagged ends hanging, my ex and I met for a council session with Lori facilitating. The process brought closure and let me remember my ex in a gentler way. Council provided a vessel to honour the love and life we had shared together by bringing our higher selves at the end. “


"After 15 years as an elementary school counselor, I was feeling like I needed something to invigorate me both personally and professionally.  I searched for new ideas and options and came across the Council training course through Royal Roads University’s Continuing Education, facilitated by Lori Austein.


Once I completed Level 1 & 2, I knew I had found what I needed.  The Council experience provided an open opportunity for sharing from each person present, something I felt was missing during my classroom teaching experiences with students.


This past school year, my principal asked me to involve our school liaison officer in some sessions with one of our Grade 6 classes.  The main topic to be discussed was bullying. I knew from past experience that the usual delivery model of being a “talking head” at the front of the classroom would not be effective. This meant it was a perfect chance to try Council with students in the classroom setting. The teacher was willing and after the police liaison officer and I met with Lori Austein (council facilitator) to discuss how to proceed, we were ready and willing as well.


Throughout the process of approximately 20 meetings, Lori debriefed with me after each session and helped me prepare for the next session. Although some students found it difficult to sit and genuinely listen to others, over time a higher level of respect for one another developed and an emerging sense of our shared challenges in day to day life. I know we did not eliminate bullying in the class or on the playground, but we opened up a few eyes and ears and I felt that far more had been achieved than the presentations I had given in the past.


Even though this particular class had difficult and complex social dynamics, I highly recommend the use of Council in the classroom the teacher reported many positives that extended beyond the weekly Council meetings and the children’s perceptions of the police liaison officer changed dramatically. We were all on equal footing during the Council meetings and this is a rare experience for students in the school environment. Pushing the desks aside and sitting in a circle was a simple, yet powerful, gesture of creating a safe container to practice the hearing of each voice."


"Thank you so much for today, Lori. What happened was life changing, but the gentle way in which you held space for me was the most profound."

"What I wanted was someone to bear witness to the fact I was in turmoil. I wanted to have something more than sitting and talking. I wanted out of my head and into by body and knew it would be hard work. I wanted to heal and trust and feel safe. Through hypnosis, I found I could go to hard places in a safe way with [Lori]. I trusted [Lori] very quickly as [she] make[s] it so easy."


“Clarity, transformation and gratitude are three key words that describe my PTI experience. A year ago I was anxious, sleepless and far from my true self.  With the help of my PTI sisters and the exercises we experienced, I became clear about what was triggering my anxiety. Clarity transformed me into a person who could voice her needs.  Learning to communicate is a gift for which I am full of gratitude. The relationships I made during the PTI experience are precious and I hold them close to my heart.”

"PTI has given me a safe place and opportunity to learn new valuable tools for everyday life. A healthy eye opening experience into getting to know my deeper true self. Raising my awareness for building healthy communication skills and healthy relationships for my life. Linda and Lori teach with unconditional love, my experience was mine, no right way, no wrong way, just mine. Experiencing 13 years of chronic migraines, I now have less migraine days and more happy days."




"I was recently asked what I noticed most about the changes within myself and my life since the May-Sept/2014 PTI. What a great question!!

What I notice most within is a lot less negative mind chatter & that when these would be saboteurs want to make themselves heard I am better (not perfect) equipped to call forward my mature, inner adult.  Also, I now have a loving, nurturing relationship with the little girl that resides in me.  This growing intimate relationship has helped me to more easily (not perfect) go with the ebb & flow of everyday life & to gain a deeper trust (not perfect) that the ultimate plan for my life will unfold just the way it needs to.
I boldly made this statement to a group “I am having a love affair!!  With MYSELF!!”  This love affair has supported me to implement & embrace a healthy way of “eating to live” that works for me (not perfect).  This & my grateful desire to exercise regularly have produced a slimmer (not perfect) & toned container to reside in.
I am in the process of moving on from a long term relationship that had me in the codependent grasp of a family of origin pattern I was being loyal to.
What I have not noticed is being pointed out to me by family, friends & my community.  They are letting me know how I show up & interact.  These relationships are healthier & I couldn’t be more grateful.
The bonds that formed during PTI with the other participants & with Lori & Linda (I refer to them as the “dynamic duo”) are strong & nurturing.  These people know ME, accept ME & love ME!!!!!!  It sure helps ME to have fellow travellers on this journey!!
Oh, did I mention; I am more accepting (not perfect) of my imperfections.  They make me ME!!!! 

I am a work in progress!!!!!!" 


“Letting Go of What Has You” changed the way I deal with things that have hurt me in the past and continue to influence my life.  It was a safe and positive but deep and meaningful journey that showed me a new way to see and heal old wounds.  


It is a process I can continue to use whenever I realize that 'something has me.'  I really appreciated the loving and respectful guidance of Lori and Linda."

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